"expanding your creative landscape through the power of trend"
Learn balanced colour blending techniques and perfect balayage with controlled applications. Master contemporary use of styling tools and finishing techniques that compliment each colouring result. Gain confidence in the essentials of customization, effortlessly bring colour, style and finish into focus!
APRIL 15-16, 2018
JULY 15-16, 2018
SEP 30 - OCT 1, 2018
Put yourself ahead of the curve and beyond the competition with this two-day immersion into the most current and relevant trends in hair, fashion and beauty.
MAY 20-21, 2018
AUGUST 26-27, 2018
OCTOBER 21-22, 2018
Acquire and polish the hairdressing skills necessary to create fully-finished, competition ready beauty photos with support and technical guidance from Creative Directors and 12x NAHA Finalists DJ Riggs and Berry Bachen.
JUNE 10-12, 2018
AUGUST 12-14, 2018
SEPTEMBER 16-18, 2018